Mineraria di Boca Spa

Mineraria di Boca aims at ensuring quality of its products and at marketing them within the Italian territory through a meticulous attention to every phase: from mining and processing of clays to operational phase and logistics that ultimately result in direct delivery to the end consumer

Out story


Establishment of Mineraria Piccinelli, owner of numerous mines nationwide, especially in Piedmont and Sardinia


Acquisition of the mining concession named Bocciole in the municipalities of Boca and Maggiora, for the extraction of clays with a refractoriness level exceeding 1630°C, clays for porcelain and strong terracotta, kaolin, and associated minerals.

Acquisition of the mining concession named Marello in the municipality of Maggiora (NO) for the extraction of feldspar minerals, clays for porcelain and earthenware, kaolin, and associated minerals, covering an area of 24.86 hectares.


Change of corporate name from Mineraria Piccinelli Spa to Mineraria di Boca Srl.


Assignment and grant of the Marello mining concession to Mineraria di Boca for a period of 20 years


Assignment and grant of the Bocciole mining concession to Mineraria di Boca for a period of 25 years


Assignment and grant of the Croso del Sasso mining concession for the cultivation of feldspar, clays for porcelain and earthenware, kaolin, and associated minerals  covering an area of 14.50 hectares in the territory of Lozzolo (VC) for a period of 10 years to Mineraria di Boca


Renewal of the Bocciole concession with a new perimeter, expanding the area to 41.6 hectares and an extraction volume of 1,700,000 cubic meters of clay


Mineraria di Boca has obtained provincial authorization to waste recovery activities as specified in letters R13, R10, and R5.


Opening of a business unit in Fiorano Modenese (MO) at the heart of the ceramic district.


Transfer of the quarry authorization for sand extraction, named Badde Lacana in Mores (SS) to Mineraria di Boca


Grant of the mining concession named Badde Lacana in Mores (SS) for the cultivation of minerals including feldspar, kaolin, ball clays, bentonites, and accessory minerals, covering an area of 22.90 hectares.


Establishment of Mineraria di Boca Iberica


Acquisition of the deposit in Sassuolo (MO) to provide a new storage service


Acquisition of the bagging facility in Perugia (PG)

The group

We established with this company a close partnership for transportation services.

Located in a predominantly clayed region, rich in clays and feldspars utilized by leading Italian companies, Boca has always been a hub for raw material production for the ceramic and brick manufacturing industry.

In addition to building business, since 2000 La Meridiana srl

Successivamente, si è inserita nel settore dell’autotrasporto di merci per c/terzi e si è iscritta all’Albo Gestori Ambientali del Piemonte nelle seguenti Categorie:

– transport of non-hazardous waste;
waste intermediation;
– Land Reclamation;

Further expanding its activities in the transportation and intermediation of non-hazardous waste sector, and in the management of grinding plants for ceramic waste at some important ceramic industries in Emilia Romagna